Author Archives: Bob Sergi for Sheriff


Welcome!  Watch this space in the coming months for news about the Bob Sergi for  Sheriff campaign in Jackson County, Oregon. It’s time to get our priorities straight. It’s time for Bob Sergi for Sheriff.

Read Lieutenant Sergi’s bio.  ‘Like’ Bob on Facebook.   Donate.

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Off and running

Bob & Theresa hosted our first campaign steering committee meeting last night. The loveliness of sharing a meal on the patio on a warm, late summer evening was more than matched by the energy and excitement of the group.

I’d like to say Bob is the right person for this job, at the right time – but the truth is, I think the time is overdue.

The more I get to know Bob and learn about his ideas, accomplishments and skills, the more convinced I am we need this man leading the Sheriff’s office, and we need him now!

I know there’s not much on this website yet, but please come back. It’ll be worth it, I promise.



“[I]t’s really …

“[I]t’s really important who’s mayor and who’s on the city council, county commissioners, sheriffs, district attorney, and of course the school board.”
–Jello Biafra